Saturday, September 29, 2012


The grid system in graphic design is a way of organizing content on a page. Here, One grid, or a collection of grids, are used across an entire project to achieve a consistent look and feel of a distinctive emotion. Application of grids is possible in a number of probable ways and each designer can look for a solution appropriate to his personal style. There is really no limit to the grid layouts that can be created. Breaking out of the grid can lead to the most interesting page designs.

Here, the story starts with Deep, Dark blues and Greens of Confusion. Confusion is lack of understanding; uncertainty, situation of panic; a breakdown of order, lacking direction or goal. Here person is wedged in some boundaries and trying to come out of the situation. Red color depicts the solution and person is just stuck in a puzzle. 

The grid composition is a puzzled mirror image of a confused person’s brain.  It describes how confusion takes the power on person’s mind and a person becomes helpless. Though he has his answers within, he is unable to perceive them.  

The language and typography used to elaborate the meaning of confusion, again says the same thing as is confusion is confused to find the “key” of solution.  The words “Disturbs”, “Logical” are again describe the soul of the emotion.

In grid composition a meticulous outline shows the boundaries of a confused person and the broken negative space shows the mental situation. It shows how this confusion ends up with impossible exploration. The red grid is hidden beneath other grids and a person is striving hard to get the solution but due to misunderstanding he cannot see it. The chosen typeface portrays the seriousness of the confusion and person’s pains in searching key.


When you think of rhythm, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably the beat of music. Rhythm is everywhere: for example, breathing, heartbeat, ocean tides, the arrangement of leaves on a plant stem… they all have a pattern, a repetitive arrangement that suggests movement. And that’s what rhythm is: organized movement.
The image selection for the book is mainly focused on the visual unity and movement, and leads eye, and mind, around space. Diagonal line and repetition makes the rhythmic pattern more interesting. The visual rhythm can either be calm and graceful or sharp and stimulating. In this book all the patterns are arranged such that creates visual interest. The pictures in this book vary in characteristics but describe the same rhythm. All black and grey combination of pictures and less positive space also creates an illusion of picture in whole.
The typeface Helvetica bold works magically well with all the type face and merge with the found type though it is a san serif typeface, it treats serif fonts as its family member. The large difference in font size also gives a drastic positive negative space effect.

self clicked

Sunday, September 23, 2012
